October 16, 2010

Pumpkins, Apples, and Sushi

Strange combination you say? Well, this is how they all came together....

Today we spent the morning at a pumpkin patch.

And I saw this little beauty.

We took him home along with a bushel of apples.

I was very excited.

But before this we stopped at the cider mill to get some donuts.

More excitement. Can't you tell?

Oh yes dip those babies into that glaze!

We got an assortment of pumpkin, blueberry, and apple doughnuts. Oh My God they were SO GOOD.

Into the bag they go.

Why aren't there more!? Oh wait, because we ate them on the way home.

And seeing as we were exhausted from a full day of apple picking, donut stuffing, and pumpkin hunting, there was no way cooking was going to be done tonight.

This was some of the best sushi we have ever had. No joke, as you can tell, by the hubbs thumbs up.

Perfect way to end a perfect fall day. How did you spend your Saturday?

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