
November 12, 2013

Life as a SAHM- I'm a Cookie Monster!

Last week I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies.

Little did I know they would be the cause of many, many tantrums. 

I always allow Miss A to have a piece, a bite, or a whole slice, of whatever I'm cooking/eating/baking. There was no exception with these cookies. Well, as soon as she ate one, this was her face.

Too cute, right! I know I know. BUT...what you don't know, is that since that day, Miss A has been a nightmare about food. Remember how I bragged grateful I was about her being such a good eater? Not in the last few days folks. Not anywhere close. That's what I get for opening my big fat mouth!

Never brag mothers, never brag.

This is what she'd rather eat instead of pasta, chicken, potatoes, rice, eggs, watermelon, vegetables, cheese....


Case in point. This morning I prepared a healthy, nutritious meal of pumpkin oatmeal- one of her favorites, and received an outrageous cry and covering of the face. No Mom. I want cookies. To the pantry she goes. Grabs her box of banana cookies and chows down.

I've been dealing with this for days. She won't eat anything I've prepared for her, she wants to snack all day. I know it's some kind of phase. It is kind of funny, writing about it now. But it's also very frustrating for a mama who wants to get some vitamins and nutrition into her child!

Oh, and, I've also been dealing with this.

A MAJOR case of Mommy-itis. It's been pretty hard to get things done around here. Oh well. I'd better enjoy the extra hugs and cuddles now, before I blink and it's all I'll ever want again!


  1. Um, are you sure you didn't just describe Abbie? She has been SO picky lately and wants me ALL the time!

  2. My little lady is quite the clinger lately, too! It can be frustrating, but honestly, I like being her favorite person ;) Haha. Here's to hoping little A gets back to her good eating habits very soon!


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